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Chief Economist at Glassdoor. Expert in applied microeconomics and labor markets.
Dr. Andrew Chamberlain is chief economist at
Glassdoor. He is an applied microeconomist who has written widely on labor markets and public policy. His work has been published in academic journals, cited in U.S. congressional testimony, OECD working papers, and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR and many others. He is a regular guest on a variety of live television and radio programs. Previously Andrew served as an economist in Washington, D.C. at the Tax Foundation and the Cato Institute, and as chief economist at Columbia Economics, L.L.C. Andrew received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, San Diego, and bachelor’s degrees in economics and business administration from the University of Washington in Seattle.
You can learn more about Andrew's work at
Glassdoor Economic Research, or follow him on