
Howard Milton

Co-founder and chairman of the Smith & Milton branding agency

Educated at the London College of Printing, Howard continued his design education at Michael Peters and Partners London before joining advertising agency, Burson Marstellar in New York. He returned to the UK to found Smith & Milton in London in 1980 with Jay Smith.

During the following decade Howard led the forefront of the creative breakthrough in brand identity and became a spokesperson for the design industry. Smith & Milton was the showcase company for the ‘designer decade’ and created seminal works for the likes of NatWest, ICI Dulux, Sharwoods and Warres port.

A pioneer of iconic corporate branding for Rowntree, Switch, PPP Healthcare and Asprey, Howard broke sector rules to gain Tesco a human face and created retail 'brands' that outperformed the established brand leaders.

Howard has extolled the Smith & Milton ‘enduring brands’ philosophy into the international arena, managing the brand identities for Travelex, CBRE, Harvey’s, Coca Cola brands, Visa, Nestle and Disney.

Howard has won countless D&AD, Clio, DBA and Design Week awards for outstanding creativity and design effectiveness. In 2009 he and Jay Smith were nominated for the Prince Philip award for a lifetime’s outstanding contribution to design.

Today, Howard acts as brand mentor to Smith & Milton’s leading clients with names as diverse as Asprey and Ginsters.

He was a founding member of the UK Design Business Association, and is a member of the Board of Governors at Falmouth University.

Howard has written two books published by the Design Council, Packaging Design (1990) and Putting Theory into Practice (1991). In 2006 Cyan Books published a 25 year history of Smith & Milton, ironically titled 'Alas! Smith &Milton. How not to run a design agency'

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November 30, 2013