
Jo Taylor

Textile artist and founder of online art gallery, Creative Arts Gallery

Jo’s lifelong passion for fine art, luxury crafted works and fashion spurred her desire to set up the website, Creative Arts Gallery. It provides a focus for creative innovation across the arts by supporting both traditional skills and encouraging a new generation of artistic entrepreneurs. The website showcases a wide selection of art produced by, mainly Scottish artists handpicked by Jo, including well known painters such as Frank To, Jack Frame, Ewan Stirrat, Drysdale Scott, Rowena Comrie, Alexandra Warren and Oscar Goodall, together with talented 3D Artists, Alison Bell, Jessica Irena Smith, Sarah Cave and Diane King. In all the website currently displays the work of some 50 artists, showcasing over 200 works of art, from fine art to glass, ceramics, sculpture and jewellery and is being added to almost every week that passes. Jo believes the high quality and uncluttered presentation of the website will attract collectors, investors, interior designers, corporate bodies and lovers of art generally, allowing them to make considered acquisitions of the unique artwork and luxury items displayed on the site.

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