
Julian Vigo

PhD, scholar, filmmaker, artist, dj, yogi, and activist

Julian Vigo is a scholar, filmmaker, artist, dj, yogi, and activist who works on public space and performance, disappeared bodies, cultural violence, and social hypertrophy. Julian Vigo is a specialist in contemporary ethnography, cultural studies, cinema, postcolonial theory, and media and gender studies. She has been a professor at universities across the world where she has taught anthropology, comparative literature, performance studies, cultural studies, critical theory, philosophy of science, postmodernism, and gender studies. Julian Vigo is currently finishing two manuscripts, one dealing with disappearance in the Americas (New York and Buenos Aires) and the other on "cultural violence" in which she examines the role of "violence" in the restructuring of urban space in Fez (Morocco) and studies the role of shahid (witness, martyr) in Palestine through actions of the suicide bomber and the definitions of her death and life, post-mortem. Her latest books are Performative Bodies, Hybrid Tongues: Race, Gender, and Modernity in Latin America and the Maghreb (2010) and Earthquake in Haiti: The Pornography of Poverty and the Politics of Development (2015).