
Lewis Blakey

Modern Languages Student at the University of Southampton. Writer, traveller, music lover and hopeful adventurer.

Hello! First of all, I am not entirely sure how on earth you have ended up here, but let me praise your good literary faith and try and summaries myself in this box.

My name is Lewis and I am a travel-loving 21 year old languages student at the University of Southampton. Spending the past six months living in Portugal's capital, Lisbon as part of my course has not only taught me a fair few life lessons, exposed me to several amusing mishaps but also opened my mind to a world of writing and travel; two things that previously I had never combined together and had never considered as a future vocation.

I hope my joining the team of bloggers here at the Huffington Post will allow me to share with you some of the above discoveries; introduce you to a world of travelling and language learning and in the process encourage just one more person to throw all their lively possessions into a bag, ready to trot off to see a different side to the world.

If you are keen to see written evidence of my mishaps, take a look at my Year Abroad blog here at:
Alternatively if you have a slight penchant for the occasional bit of opinionated writing, cast your gaze on my person blog here:

I hope you enjoy the pieces I will be publishing and if you have any thoughts feel free to get in touch with me any way you see fit.

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