
Stuart Maitland

Award Winning Young Entrepreneur

Determination, persistence, hard work and a “can do” attitude are all needed to succeed in business, and it is something that Stuart Maitland is in abundance of. This young, hardworking entrepreneur has achieved in the last few years what some business owners take decades to achieve. At the tender age of 21, Stuart was crowned Westminster's Youngest Entrepreneur in 2013 based on a mobile app that he developed and he has gone on to win a number of business awards since then. He is constantly in demand as a speaker and advisor because of his business expertise.

Stuart completed the Young Enterprise Programme in 2011, and the Chairman was so impressed, that he asked Stuart to join the board. As someone that puts hard work and his heart into everything that he does, his efforts were recognised, and in February 2014, Stuart became The Chairman for Young Enterprise, Central North London. He currently overseas 17 board members and a number of business advisors across the London Boroughs of Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea, Islington and Camden.

In addition to his Young Enterprise duties, Stuart currently has a number of business interests and investments including a property company, a Holdings Company, and later this year he will start a brand new Luxury Chauffeur and Car Service in London. Stuart is also currently writing his first book which is due for release later this year. He is involved with the Peter Jones Enterprise Academies throughout the UK as a key advisor and he counts many of the UK’s top entrepreneurs as his friends.

Stuart is a great example of what persistence and hard work can achieve. There is a saying – “work hard for your reputation and your reputation will work hard for you.” Stuart is respected amongst his peers. He is called upon by local and central government for input on entrepreneurship and how to shape the future of young entrepreneurs, and he gives back, not only in England, but also in Scotland; where he is originally from. Stuart is proud of his Scottish roots and gives back in the form of investment.

As someone who has been featured heavily in the media, Stuart is in demand oversees too, and in 2015, he will be strengthening his position and bringing the heart of UK entrepreneurship to different countries through various speaking engagements.

Young. Talented. Determined. Outstanding. Stuart Maitland is a force to be reckoned with.

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