
Susannah Hardyman

A charity founder and CEO, working in education with a passion to see young people achieve their potential.

Susannah is the founder and CEO of Action Tutoring. Susannah was inspired to start the organisation following experiences working in the charity sector and as a private tutor, recognising the potential to make the benefits of tutoring available to those that might not otherwise afford it. Susannah has worked in the charity sector since she graduated in 2007 and she has a particular interest in using the potential of volunteers for social change.

Susannah graduated from the University of Cambridge, where she studied Theology at St John's College. She holds a Masters from Kings College London in Politics, Theology and NGOs, where she wrote her dissertation on the interplay between state and third sector welfare provision. In her spare time, Susannah enjoys doing youth work in her local community in Peckham and is a governor of a secondary school in Camberwell.

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