
Tommy Gilchrist

Political blogger supporting Hillary Clinton

I work in politics.

I followed a non-traditional route, reading Physical Geography (Hons) at university, and previously working for a large FTSE as well as start-ups. Yorkshire by origin, I was twice a "parliamentary candidate" in mock school general elections.

In addition to following US politics from a young age, I maintain a personal blog ( focusing on presidential election cycles.

In October 2012 ( I called the Electoral College votes - 332 Obama, 206 Romney.

As a non-executive director of a US politics youth engagement programme, 45 For The 45th (, we're working to understand why turnout amongst under-25s in the UK is depressed compared to the US. By visiting primary and caucus states, and interacting directly with these youth voters, we're researching ways the UK can better engage our own disaffected voters.

All views, opinions and comments expressed are mine, and do not reflect those of any current or former employer.

Oh. And I really enjoy silly animated cartoons. #RickAndMorty

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