Top 10 Hottest Desperate Housewives Characters

With eight series branching over eight years, the dramedy-mystery was popular amongst the female population with its storylines which not only left you wanting more, but made any domestic dwelling seem miniscule in comparison. But it was also popular amongst the males too for obvious reasons.

In our last top ten list we provided you with Top 10 Female Body Parts Men Love. We also added a poll to the list too and we were amazed to find that you guys voted for the same top three as the original poll.

To keep with the top ten theme, we thought we would bring you our top 10 hottest Desperate Housewives characters.

Desperate Housewives is an American television series which is set in a fictional street called Wisteria Lane which shows the daily lives of a ground of women through the eyes of a dead neighbour who commit suicide in the first episode.

With eight series branching over eight years, the dramedy-mystery was popular amongst the female population with its storylines which not only left you wanting more, but made any domestic dwelling seem miniscule in comparison. But it was also popular amongst the males too for obvious reasons.

Obviously men wouldn't bring the topic up at poker night, but there was definitely a fair few of you men who were secret viewers of the show.

If you don't agree with the order then please vote using the poll at the end.

10. Edie Britt (Played by Nicollette Sheridan)

Out of everyone, Edie Britt is probably the most hated and talked about of all the housewives on Wisteria Lane - but she brings it on herself. But funnily enough she can never figure out why. She has a "If I want it, I'm going to have it" way of life which even applied to men - which ends up getting her the status "neighbourhood whore." Not your typical housewife, Edie would rather go out clubbing then be a domestic housewife.

9. Danielle Van De Kamp (Played by Joy Lauren)

Danielle Van De Kamp is the daughter of Bree Van de Kamp and like her mother paints a picture perfect image of how "wonderful" her family are. Danielle has a brother called Andrew Van de Kamp and as their characters progress through the series they realise how "perfect" their mother tries to be which leads them to resort to impulsive behaviour and rebel, if you will.

8. Bree Van De Kamp (Played by Marcia Cross)

Bree Van De Kamp has an obsessive compulsion with cleanliness and perfection, so much so, some would consider it OCD - which came as a result of the early demise of her mother. She constantly keeps a constant smile which would lead you to believe her and her family live the picture perfect life that most of us would dream of. But nothing could be further from the truth.

8. Mary Alice Young (Played by Brenda Strong)

Although it's very rare to see Mary Alice Young in an episode, her role in the TV series is crucial. Mary is seen to commit suicide in the first episode which not only sets of the first series as her friends try to figure out why she had to resort to such an act, but her character then plays an important part of narrating the show.

7. Renee Perry (Played by Vanessa Williams)

At first the other housewives are reluctant to welcome Renee into their circle, but predicaments change and she becomes quite close to the group. Renee would be considered to be a diva that is genuinely only out for herself. After she got bored of the Manhattan lifestyle of parting, she moved to Wisteria Lane, but an old secret involving Lynette catches up with her.

5. Julie Mayer (Played by Andrea Bowen)

Although Julie Mayer is the daughter of Susan Delfino, their roles are portrayed otherwise. Julie comes across as mothering her mother and is often shown cooking, cleaning and giving advice to her. Although Julie is an intelligent daughter and considerate towards others in early life, after growing up she is shown to go off the rails slightly.

4. Katherine Mayfair (Played by Dana Delany)

The redhead, Katherine Mayfair first moved to Wisteria Lane in the hope of putting her memories of domestic abuse behind her. As seen in the TV series, Katherine is seen, to only disappear for a few years to then return. Katherine Mayfair and Bree Van De Kamp are usually competing for the title of perfect housewife - usually in the form of cooking.

3. Susan Delfino (Played by Teri Hatcher)

If you are one to believe in bad omens and bad luck then Susan Delfino is a person who you should try to avoid, as wherever she goes, bad luck is usually not far behind - that and her clumsiness. Out of all the housewives, Delfino -- previously Mayer -- is the kindest and most loved one of the bunch. Susan married divorce attorney Karl Mayer. But after he was unfaithful, he left Susan. Susan and her teenage daughter Julie then had to fend for themselves.

2. Lynette Scavo (Played by Felicity Huffman)

Lynette Scavo has the thirst for power and thinks of herself as a career orientated women who loves the challenge of business and what it brings to the table. But the trouble of having 4 kids, this isn't always possible. Out of the four main housewives, Lynette is seen as the smart one, but she can also be super-controlling which can push people away.

1. Gabrielle Solis (Played by Eva Longoria)

Come on guys, it was always going to be Gabrielle Solis. Gabrielle Solis, usually referred to as Gaby, is the ringleader of the group in our eyes. Gaby used to be a former model in New York who ended up moving to the suburbs -- due to getting fired -- with her new husband Carlos Solis. But when Carlos is mostly away on business, Gabrielle has a tendency to get bored and reckless things pursue.

Don't agree with the order? Tell us who you think is the hottest Desperate Housewife:


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