Trump Supporters' #BoycottStarbucks Attempt Backfires Spectacularly

Well that didn't go as planned.

Conservatives on social media launched an effort Monday to boycott Starbucks after the CEO promised to hire 10,000 refugees.

The announcement came as the coffee company criticized President Donald Trump for halting the U.S. refugee program and blocking entry to visitors from seven nations with predominantly Muslim populations.

That didn’t sit well with the right, and their boycott attempt caused #BoycottStarbucks to trend with tweets such as these:

Anyone else sick of @Starbucks CEO's pushing HIS political agenda through our coffee and down our throats?#BoycottStarbucks

β€” Missouri 4 TRUMP ! (@Johnatsrs1949) January 31, 2017

I shredded my @Starbucks "Gold card", now I just deleted my app! Never again! #BoycottStarbucks, over 1k that I spend there annually, GONE!!

β€” Build The Wall!😎 (@TheBeat_Boss) January 31, 2017

Some complained that Starbucks should hire veterans instead of refugees; however, the company already has a program for hiring both veterans and their spouses.

In any case, it wasn’t long before progressives embarked on a hashtag takeover:

racists: #BoycottStarbucks


β€” #HeWillNotDivideUs (@HWNDUS) January 30, 2017

Pretty big fan of the #BoycottStarbucks movement. Now I can get my delicious coffee in a slightly shorter and less racist line.

β€” eric froehlich (@efropoker) January 30, 2017

Y'all really trying to #BoycottStarbucks for trying to help out people in need? Didn't y'all want Starbucks to practice Christian values?

β€” Samuel Davis πŸ•† (@SamDavis1997) January 30, 2017

I mean, if you #BoycottStarbucks, this just means I'll get my coffee in a shorter and less xenophobic line; a true win-win for all.

β€” Dan Lim (@dan_limb) January 30, 2017

I like my coffee with diversity and short lines anyways. So keep boycotting you racists clowns. #boycottstarbucks

β€” Amy (@Amzz_A47) January 30, 2017

Pretty excited to #DrinkStarbucks now that #BoycottStarbucks is happening.

😊 Shorter lines!
😊 Fewer angry racists!
😊 Jobs for refugees!

β€” Alex Goldschmidt (@alexandergold) January 30, 2017

There is a #boycottStarbucks going around because they’re pledging to hire refugees, you know what that means? time to get some Starbucks

β€” Shafeeq Younus (@Y2SHAF) January 30, 2017

Kudos- @Starbucks CEO commits to hire 10,000 refugees.

To those tweeting #boycottstarbucks, simple question; do you nazis even like coffee?

β€” David Yankovich (@DavidYankovich) January 30, 2017

Soon, #BoycottStarbucks gave way to #DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry and similar hashtags:

Trump pissed off Starbucks today which is unfortunate because he may need a job there after his impeachment. #DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry

β€” Rich Goeckel (@RichGoeckel) January 31, 2017

I'm going into work tomorrow INCREDIBLY PROUD to wear that green apron. @Starbucks #DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry

β€” DonatelloπŸ–€ (@samisprinkler34) January 31, 2017

I guess it's time to drink more Starbucks. They made a statement that they will be hiring refugees! #DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry

β€” #NoBanNoWall (@OurGreenRevolut) January 31, 2017

I don't even drink coffee but if I did I would #DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry

β€” Miriam Sanchez Luna (@Luniwitter) January 31, 2017

#DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry because why tf would you boycott Starbucks when they're hiring refugees

β€” Little Monster (@regiicerocks) January 31, 2017

Starbucks hires thousands of vets, pays the tuition for spouse and children of vets to attend college. #DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry

β€” Lenabenas (@lenabenas21) January 31, 2017

#DrinkStarbucksToFightBigotry has replaced #BoycottStarbucks in the trending page πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

β€” dawn (@lemongrasspmI) January 31, 2017

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