Celebrity Big Brother's Hardeep Singh Kohli Reflects On Roxanne Pallett Drama

'I witnessed an injustice.'

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ housemate Hardeep Singh Kohli has shared his inside take on the recent Roxanne Pallett drama, following his eviction from the house.

After facing the public vote multiple times throughout his time in the ‘CBB’ residence, Hardeep was finally shown the door on Friday, after going head to head with TV psychic Sally Morgan.

Following his elimination, Hardeep has spoken to reporters about the incident involving Roxanne and Ryan Thomas, after the former accused the latter of “punching” her, which she later conceded was a “mistake” and an “exaggeration”.

Hardeep Singh Kohli
Hardeep Singh Kohli
Jeff Spicer via Getty Images

Hardeep told Digital Spy: “Truth and facts are essential to everything we do. When you start creating truth and embellishing facts… I think there’s no coming back from that.”

He also spoke about an incident on his first night in the house, during which he pretended to push Chloe Ayling in the swimming pool, only for Roxanne to land in the water instead.

“There was no physical contact [with Roxanne],” Hardeep recalled. “But one ought not to be surprised, and I’m a professional interviewer. My job is to read people and see situations.

“There is a part of me that has a personal and pastoral concern about Roxanne. I wish her the very best.”

Hardeep went on to say he was backing Ryan to win the show, telling The Sun: “I cannot stand by and watch injustice take place. I witnessed an injustice and I’m always going to stand up for those people.

“We had our differences but I was privileged to spend time with that man who has such love for his family and has the ability to express that love and joy.

“He’s going to win this and he deserves it as he’s a smashing young man. He’s a decent decent man and I can’t stand by so of course I was going to support him.”

Roxanne Pallett on 'CBB' launch night
Roxanne Pallett on 'CBB' launch night
Ian West - PA Images via Getty Images

After choosing to leave the ‘CBB’ house of her own accord, Roxanne has stepped down from her morning radio show and an upcoming pantomime appearance, in order to “take time out and reflect”.

She also expressed regret over what transpired between herself and Ryan in an interview with Jeremy Vine, later admitting to Emma Willis that she feared she had become “the most hated girl in Britain”.


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