The mosque frequently targeted by Britain First has received 10 tonnes of food to help feed the capital’s homeless over the Christmas period.
In collaboration with Muslim Aid, the East London Mosque saw a flood of donations arrive during Friday prayers earlier this week.
Britain First has not held a food drive this year, or any other year.

Jehangir Malik, Chief Executive of Muslim Aid, said: “With austerity cuts and the housing crisis, more and more people are ending up on the streets – destitute.
“We, as a Muslim charity, want to do everything we can to help the most vulnerable people in this country this Christmas, regardless of faith or background.
“Helping those in need is one of the five pillars of Islam and as temperatures plummet we need to do everything we can to protect those most at risk.”

The East London Mosque has frequently been the target of far-right group Britain First who purportedly campaign to uphold “British Christian values”.
In one demonstration earlier this year, now-leader, Jayda Fransen, hurled abuse at Muslims as they entered the building.
She said: “You don’t acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the saviour. Jesus Christ died for every single one of you and you know what you do?
“You belittle him and call him a prophet. You worship a false prophet who claims to have some sort of relationship with Allah.
“You have your prophet on a pedestal. Your prophet who is a paedophile and a warlord.
“Turn away from the false prophet and embrace the saviour.”
Britain First recently released a video showing Fransen with one Sainsbury’s bag for life containing a few tins of soup which she handed out to “British” homeless whilst bemoaning immigration.
The group do often have fundraising drives, the last one being to cover the £1,920 fine Fransen incurred when found guilty of religiously aggravated assault.

More recently the group asked for £5,000 for a new computer system. None of the money from either appeal went to charity.

The Reverend Bernadette Hegarty of St Pauls, Bow Common Church, who attended Muslim Aid’s food drive: “Giving is an important part of both the Christian and Islam faith and it is important for us to be working together to do what we can to support our brothers and sisters.”