Eastleigh By-Election: It's Time the Gag Was Lifted on Straight Talking

It's time the gag was lifted on straight talking and a real representative voice in politics spoke on behalf of the people. This is what Ukip represents. When you meet people, like I did, who say they haven't voted for thirty years but they are going to the election box to vote Ukip, you know you are on to the right thing.

Sadly I have not been in Eastleigh today. Other commitments mean that after a storming weekend with the campaign team I won't be back in Eastleigh until Wednesday. I say sadly, because it's fantastic to be pounding the tarmac and meeting with potential voters - speaking to people face to face and listening to their concerns and grievances.

It's fantastic how much support we are getting. Word of mouth on the street and recent polls are painting a promising picture for the party.

Ukip are picking up support across the spectrum. Only a third comes from former Tory voters, the rest we are harvesting from Labour, Lib Dems and most promisingly, from people who haven't voted in years.

It reflects the stagnancy that has infested UK politics. For too long the first past the post system has meant that power has been exchanged between the Conservatives and Labour. With power simply passed between the two, successive governments have been able to get away with being unaccountable. Their policies have become a collection of half-baked promises that fail to address the real issues faced by ordinary people. The people running our country care more about their political party and their own positions than the people they are employed to serve.

What Britain needs is a vibrant core of manufacturing to give the country security in years to come. Places like the Ford factory in Eastleigh are vital to both the local and national economy. Yet while the other parties may all state this line, they, like us, know that European regulations, soaring energy costs under EU green directives and restrictive EU working regulations are driving vital industries abroad. Yet they don't have the courage to take Britain out of Europe.

Meanwhile the influx of foreign workers under EU open door immigration is pricing many Brits out of jobs, while many more migrants entering the country add pressure to housing, education and local services. It is important that we are able to talk frankly about these issues, yet it has been made into a taboo subject by the ruling parties, simply because they know they can do nothing about it without leaving the EU.

It's time the gag was lifted on straight talking and a real representative voice in politics spoke on behalf of the people. This is what Ukip represents. When you meet people, like I did, who say they haven't voted for thirty years but they are going to the election box to vote Ukip, you know you are on to the right thing.

I put £100 on Ukip last Friday, at odds of 25-1, and I am pleased to say we are running well. Maybe Eastleigh will be the by election where Ukip makes history. I really hope so.


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