Thabo "Tbo Touch" Molefe was never ready for what happened after he took to Twitter on Tuesday night to urge his followers to change the way they think.
Molefe tweeted that the only difference between him and a street beggar was their "mental disposition".
Tweeps did not take the matter lying down and called for him to delete the tweet, which many found offensive.
Celebrities subtweeted the 36-year-old businessperson, calling him out on his tweet.
Responding to his tweet, Molefe's followers expressed disappointment in him for tweeting and "thinking" like he did.
Let's not forget when Sizwe Dlomo a few days ago went for the jugular:
Despite numerous calls for him to take down his tweet, Molefe left it up and continued with his life and instead, tweeting about the 100 days celebration of his online radio station, Touch HD.