My name is Anthony Watson – an entrepreneur, a member of the Board of Directors of GLAAD, a Patron of Diversity Role Models, and a white, cis, gay man.
I am proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with my trans siblings. And I’m not the only one. In fact, I am one of more than 70 signatories to an open letter, all gay men, who have decided to stand up and be counted while trans people are continuing to face vilification, abuse and even violence.
Those who have chosen to sign the letter come from all sections of society: senior politicians such as Lord Mandelson, acclaimed writers such as Russell T Davies OBE and much-loved TV personalities like Dr Ranj Singh and Emmy award-winning actor Lesley Jordon. We’re a broad church but the one thing that unites us now – the one thing we all passionately believe – is that the toxic and relentless attacks against the trans community, in particular trans children, need to end and need to end now.
The vast majority of people from within the LGB+ community fully support trans rights. This includes our marvellous British gay press such as Attitude Magazine, DIVA Magazine, Gay Times, Gay Star News, Pink News and OutNews Global, all of which has shown themselves to be inclusive and accepting of all within the myriad identities of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. Yet that has not stopped a small - but increasingly vocal section minority of all sexualities – seemingly making it their life’s work to insult, barrack and gaslight a tiny minority of people who want nothing more than to get on with their lives without fear of harassment…or worse. History is on our side. Opponents of trans rights are losing, and they know it, hence the malevolence of their campaigns.
And, lest we forget, most trans people have not had easy lives. Many have spent years, sometimes decades, struggling with their identity, often resorting to self-harm and attempting suicide. Some have been cut off from their families, lost their jobs and been shunned by friends. Incidences of depression and other mental health issues remain worryingly high.
These people, many of them braver than I could ever hope to be, deserve our support.
As gay men, we recognise that we do not share the lived experiences of trans people. We also cannot forget that there are women of all sexualities who have expressed disquiet at some of the proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Again, we do not share the life experiences of women, and – while we distance ourselves from the vitriol and anger that is frequently evident from campaigners and activists – it is not our place to speak for cis-women. We are most definitely not “mansplainers”.
Our message is a simple one. As gay men, we recognise more than most how damaging it is to have one’s identity routinely questioned, to be faced with a hostile media and, frankly, to be lied about. It was not that long ago that gay men and lesbians were confronted with precisely these issues and, while Britain is more liberal and accepting than most, life isn’t always a bed of roses for lesbians and gay men either.
This is not about hectoring, lecturing or mansplaining. It’s about solidarity. We want every trans person to know that we are here for them. When times get tough, you are not alone. In 1987, 64% - nearly two-thirds – of people said that “same sex relations” were “always wrong”. That figure is now sitting at 13%, with the majority of respondents ascribing to strict religious views. Things have changed for us and we’re on your side until they change for you.
History has brutally judged all those who fought against the onward march of gay rights. History will be no less damning of those who viciously fight against trans rights.
We’ve all united under the #GWithTheT banner and have launched a website at gwiththet.com. If you’re a gay man and feel the same way please feel free to add your name in support of our trans siblings.