Israel Begins New Trend (Hopefully) by Banning Underweight Models

Here's an idea for an advertising campaign - show women the average size of women worldwide and celebrate the myriad mix of bodies we have. And I promise you, sit back and watch the praise (and sales) come rolling in.

The story that I thought would be in all the headlines this week is not there.

Israel has banned underweight models from the catwalk and has implemented new laws that require advertisers to make it clear when an image has been digitally altered.

While there are critics who make a point about some thin models actually being healthy, but just naturally lean, I think overall this move should be celebrated loudly.

Young women are hounded by the media's images of frighteningly thin models everywhere they turn - from the internet, to comics, to magazines. While there have been studies that have been used to prove both sides - the media has no responsibility or has major culpability - the problem stands clear.

Most models' sizes do not accurately represent the majority of the world's women.

It would not be accurate to place the blame only on the media for anything, but if laws like Israel's even help save one young woman's life, it will all be worth the effort.

Sometimes it takes bold measures to make change and that is what Israel has done. While it would be too complicated to measure and analyse every model's individual body type and health, creating an overall strict guideline to be followed seems like the next best thing.

In our world where it is becoming increasingly hard to tell the difference between reality and digitally altered images, truth in advertising should be required in all countries.

Demi Moore's latest Helena Rubinstein advertisements have been widely panned this week for being over-airbrushed. When even generally-accepted as beautiful women are being photo-shopped into nonexistence, we know the tipping point has been reached.

Even the most beautiful need to be tweaked to be made perfect and acceptable for society's consumption. The message this supposed-perfect societal streak is causing will have ripple effects on young girls that we can't even see yet.

Girls will be striving for an impossible perfection without even knowing the risks involved unless other countries follow suit and say enough is enough.

Skinny women with no wrinkles or imperfections are far-and-few-between and not what most women want to see representing the best of what we can reach for.

Consumers, both female and male, need to raise their voices in protest when impossible images are applauded as what to strive for.

Here's an idea for an advertising campaign - show women the average size of women worldwide and celebrate the myriad mix of bodies we have. And I promise you, sit back and watch the praise (and sales) come rolling in.
