It’s finally here ― the festive season has landed on our laps, seemingly out of nowhere.
That usually involves tonnes of socialising and partying, including the notorious Christmas office party which almost always generates at least one scandal.
But even if you don’t have any work-based gossip wells upcoming, that’s perfectly fine.
Redditor and feeder of goss-hungry minds Britain-wide, u/shaggy_x, recently asked members of r/CasualUK: “Any juicy gossip at work?”
Little did the site user know what drama they would unleash. They later updated her post to say, “I had to turn alerts off as my phone was going haywire.”
Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:
1) “A colleague is working with another company behind our company’s back. Which is a big no-no.”
“He thinks no one knows, but the truth is they’ve known for a while. We had a meeting about it. He’s being fed wrong information, to fuck with the other company.
“It was extremely helpful of them to involve me in the meetings and give me all the correct information because the other company has approached me and offered a considerable amount to work with them instead.” u/wopsywoo
2) “Worked in an office for a while. The fraud officer was arrested, I’m sure you can guess why...”
3) “We had a phantom sh*tter.”
“They would sh*t all over the seat and it would be on the floor and wall sometimes too. This was in the ladies, so after a while one of my colleagues would sneakily go in each time she saw someone come out in the hope of finding them.
“After a while, we realised it was a member of the higher management team. They were reported and it stopped, but we were always baffled that someone so high I could be so completely and utterly rank.” u/r3tromonkey
4) “We had a guy who wiped his bum on the biscuits in the tea room. He also once ejaculated in the milk.”
“He told another colleague as he thought it was funny, then the colleague poured all the milk away.
“Our supervisor was furious the milk was gone before tea time and he had to explain what happened. There was no proof of this though so nothing could be done. The guy eventually got fired for racist texts.” u/rocki-i
5) “One of the guys I worked with went to prison for adding cheques to his friends on closed insurance claims.”
6) “One of the IT guys was taking the brand new laptops to his car to sell online.”
“Even went as far as requesting the supplier ship some of the boxes for the specific model so they would be easier to sell. He was caught (because of serial numbers) and apparently did some time.” u/ShitBritGit
7) “We had The Serial Snotter at a past workplace. They would pick their nose and wipe it on the bathroom walls.”
“Never found out who did it.” u/NemesisThen86
Do you have anything to add? Let us know!