‘Love Island’ splits people into several camps - those who love it, those who hate it, and those who try to demean those who enjoy it or appear on it.
And as the new series kicked off on Monday night, there were some in the latter camp who tried their best to hamper everyone’s enjoyment.
Several people on Twitter were quick to point out that more people apply to be on ‘Love Island’ than apply to go to Oxford or Cambridge University.

While the stat is true (around 40,000 apply to Oxbridge each year for approx 8,000 places, while 150,000 people submitted applications for this year’s ‘Love Island’), many took issue with the snobbery the statement endorsed.
Others were also quick to point out the Oxbridge are both elitist institutions, which is inaccessible for a lot of young people in 2018.
Here are just some of our favourite responses:
Love Island’s return helped set a ratings record for ITV2 on Monday, when 2.9 million tuned in, which marked the digital channel’s highest viewing figures ever.
‘Love Island’ continues on Tuesday at 9pm on ITV2.