The 16 days of activism of no violence against women and children campaign is just among the many cries to plead with men to calm down.
This campaign on its own should shame men, they should bury their heads in sand that every year, society speaks to them yet nothing changes.
The power that men think they have to abuse, kill and rape women and children is shocking and needs to be taken away.
An argument that might arise that not all men rape and abuse. Who are these men then?
Sonke Gender Justice aims to groom men and turn them into less of the monsters society is faced with but women and children are still falling prey to the need for men to show off their faux power.
The era of feminist has risen, not because women want to be like men, but because women are standing up to not only show that they are not objects but they too are human beings.
Relationships where women are meant to be loved and cherished have turned into traps where angry men can beat and kill their significant other.
Case in point is a sad sad story where 27 year old Zestah September was burnt to death by her own boyfriend which she trusted.
The guy, who is a soldier admitted to the court that he lost his temper when the 27 year old told him she was going out to party with friends.
Now you wonder whether men want to be listened to and adored because they are strong and muscular or their egos are just too bruised and need to be messaged all the time.
This story however is one of many, there was also the lady who was known as the acid lady, whose boyfriend also poured her with acid during an argument.
The merits of the story really don't matter to me, what matters in fact is that no man must think that its their way or no way.
Statistics show that domestic violence is the highest in South Africa and that on its own is proof that men need to calm down.
Look at the number of organisations that are formed just to protect women from these monsters called men.
It can't be business as usual, abused women can't still be expected to take a stand in court and prove that their lovers abused them.
Men need to calm down, men need to remember that they too might have daughters someday and they would never want them to be abused or killed by another man.