Many of us in the UK are tired, with one in eight adults saying they feel tired “all the time” in a 2022 YouGov poll.
But with so many of us suffering from sleepiness, it can be hard to tell when you’re facing the more dangerous exhaustion ― which NHS Wales says is “one of the biggest threats to social care and NHS service functioning.”
Tiredness is even linked to 20% of road accidents in the UK.
While it can be hard to tell the difference between run-of-the-mill tiredness and flat-our exhaustion, they shared that feeling overwhelmed by life ― even small tasks ― can be an early symptom.
“Sometimes it can feel like our work, home or other life commitments are too much for us and we are ‘drowning,’” Canopi shared via NHS Wales.
You might find something as simple as doing the laundry to be too much, and you may struggle with the idea of ticking everything off your to-do list ― even feeling it may be impossible.
This can be a sign that you’re exhausted, and may also be burnt out by work or other life factors.
What are the other signs of exhaustion?
Canopi shared via NHS Wales that other signs of exhaustion include:
- Feeling defeated, and like you’re not making a difference
- Becoming irritable or impatient
- Struggling to make decisions
- Becoming emotionally detached
- Struggling with your memory
- Experiencing a lot of self-doubt
- Feeling tired all the time, even after a good night’s sleep.
What causes exhaustion?
The NHS says that everything from anaemia to sleep apnoea, diabetes, thyroid issues, and depression and anxiety can lead to exhaustion.
“If you cannot explain why you’re tired and it’s been going on for a while and not getting any better, it may be a sign of a medical condition,” they add.
“Your symptoms might give you an idea of what’s causing your tiredness or fatigue. But do not self-diagnose – see a GP if you’re worried.”