Piers Morgan Just Got Owned By Greggs Over Vegan Sausage Rolls

Anger about baked goods delights social media.

High-street bakery chain Greggs appears to have won some new business after suggesting it fully expected to anger Piers Morgan over its new vegan sausage rolls.

The North East company, famed for its steak bakes and pasties, delighted non-meat eaters when it announced on Wednesday that its new plant-based dish would be on sale in 950 stores just in time for ‘Veganuary’.

Most took the news in their stride, but it was all too much for TV host and former tabloid editor Morgan, who appeared to take umbrage at the baker’s claim that the “wait is over ...”

Quick as a flash, the Greggs social media team responded ...

... but Morgan wasn’t finished.

The sincerity of Morgan’s fury over the fillings in baked good is hard to gauge, but others seemed to share his outrage.

In any case, reaction on social media suggested the company had won the battle of ideas.

Vogue senior producer Michael MacLeod posted: “Hook, line and sinker. Well done @GreggsOfficial on your easiest catch today.”

@XRP_Featherfoot tweeted: “Now that Piers doesnt like it. I’m suddenly interested in this new product.”

Vaughan Williams wrote: “Well played Greggs, well played.”

Molly wrote: “Just for this magic reply next time I pass a Greggs i will make sure I buy something.”

For those interested in the details, the new product has been designed to mimic its meaty cousin as closely as possible, boasting the same 96 layers of puff pastry but with a ‘bespoke’ Quorn filling instead of pork. It is the same price as a normal sausage roll: £1.


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