On Thursday evening Theresa May arrived at Blenheim Palace accompanied by her husband Phillip May, for a black tie dinner with US President Donald Trump.
Although much of the event coverage has focused on Trump’s interview with The Sun, and the subsequent consequences for the Prime Minister, there was another focus for people’s attention: what was on Theresa May’s arm?
On social media, some speculated it was a nicotine patch, while others even went as far as to suggest she might be a robot. Actually, it was a diabetes monitoring patch.

The patch - visible in a sleeveless dress - is circular and white in appearance and is responsible for monitoring May’s blood sugar levels, letting her know when she needs to inject insulin.
Theresa May was diagnosed with type one diabetes in 2012, telling Diabetes UK she had initially dismissed her symptoms as a side effect of her hectic work schedule during the London Olympic games.
When she first went to her doctor she was given a blood test, diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and prescribed medication.
The misdiagnosis only became apparent when the medication failed to address her symptoms.

Further tests revealed she had actually been living with type one diabetes and was required to take daily insulin injections - she reportedly takes four a day.
“I hadn’t appreciated the degree of management it requires,” she told Diabetes UK. “And I hadn’t appreciated for example, the paradox that while everyone assumes diabetes is about not eating sugar, if you have a hypo, then you have to take something that’s got that high glucose content.”
She also made reference to the problems of eating out in her job: “I go to a lot of functions where I am eating and I speak at dinners, so that brings an added complication.”
“When I’m going to do a debate or speaking at a conference, I have to make sure that I’ve tested and know where I am, so I can adjust as necessary.”
Last night the 100 guests at Blenheim Palace had a three course meal of Scottish salmon, Hereford beef and strawberries with clotted cream.

Theresa May has reportedly written to schools in her Maidenhead constituency since her diagnosis, ensuring they understand the support they are required to give children with type one diabetes.
She has also supported charity work such as a petition by JRDF, a nonprofit that funds research into type one diabetes, asking the government to examine the amount invested in that area.
According to Diabetes UK she is the first world leader to have type one diabetes.