This Guy Put A 'Relationship Saving Station' In Ikea And It's What Every Couple Needs


A bank holiday is upon us which means one thing for cohabiting couples: a trip to Ikea.

While this always sounds like a good idea in theory - think quality time together, creating the home of your dreams and ending the day with meatballs - in reality, this is never how a day-date to Ikea goes down.

We give it two hours before you’re arguing about flat pack furniture and exclaiming: “How they hell do you get out of this place!?”

Thankfully, Comedian Jeff Wysask has come up with a ‘Relationship Saving Station’ to help couples work through their Ikea-driven rage.

Wysask’s humorous pop-up features five quick things couples can do to ease tension and return to Swedish furniture browsing bliss.

His tips include:

Wysask reportedly snuck his station into an Ikea store in California, but we’re hoping it becomes a permanent fixture worldwide.

If you’re heading to Ikea this weekend, our thoughts are with you.

Thinking Negatively

Bad Relationship Habits
