The video streaming service has introduced an extremely problematic option. In a recent, ongoing change, Youtube has succumbed to the pressures of capitalism and consumerism to try to expand their target market by making the Youtube a "conservative friendly place" too. As a result, Youtube has been introducing a new "restriction option" that allows users to restrict or disallow content involving LGBTQ+ (Queer) themes and youtubers.
This decision by Youtube is obviously a massive problem and is discrimination against people who identify as being a part of the LGBTQ+ community and is thus prejudicial against their identity too. Youtube is essentially creating online segregation between conservative, right winged individuals who are queerphobic (homophobic, biphobic, transphobic etc) and those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and it will consequently disallow any potential process to grow and learn about different communities and beliefs because of a new, easy option to remain closed-minded.
Although this is the first time that Youtube has introduced such a problematic feature on their video streaming website and app, they have been criticised for many recent decisions and changes. Some youtubers have alleged that Youtube is restricting their right to freedom of speech because they cannot express themselves as openly as before and they've found that their views are decreasing because Youtube is redirecting or advertising other Youtube videos instead of theirs due to their videos' content.
Another issue about the restriction option is that half of the most famous, most popular youtubers are actually part of the LGBTQ+ community. They usually share inclusive, open viewpoints with their subscribers and fans, and in return, conversation and awareness takes place. The restriction option will prevent conservative, queerphobic people from being open to learning about issues that usually don't affect them.
It is paramount that Youtube stops this introduction phase of its restriction option immediately. Not only will it create segregation and promote closed-mindedness but it is an outright discriminatory action on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender. The problem, of course, is that I could suggest boycotting Youtube but they have a monopoly over video-streaming on the internet. The best method currently is to make others aware about Youtube's decision and supporting or joining LGBTQ+ and Human Rights organisations that have the legal capacity and resources to take legal action against Youtube if its prejudicial, queerphobic move is not retracted.