As we start another marathon year, I'm sure you've reviewed the previous year and are spending some time planning to achieve more goals this year.
I wanted to just quickly touch on the importance of keeping things real and simple in business.
Business is already complex as it is, why anybody would want to complicate it further with pretence is beyond me.
The simple act of authenticity can be really powerful, helping you establish relationships quicker and easier. Authenticity in-effect helps you to sell more of your products and services by shortening the time it takes for people to get to know you and come to trust you.
I meet so many small business owners who lack authenticity. They are trying really hard to make themselves look bigger and be something that they are not. The sad thing is that we can all see right through it. The only people they are fooling are themselves.
Unfortunately this mission to come across perfect and bigger than they are only makes some of us, colleagues and potential clients weary of doing business with them. We are unsure if they have something to hide and whether we can or should trust them.
If you have a product that has excellent features that sell itself or you have come up with a business process that is revolutionary then by all means push that and hide behind the business.
If you don't have a revolutionary product, service or technique then what you are really selling is you and your customers will need to know you before they hand you their cash.
Being small is not bad. All great business started small. It gives you flexibility and low overheads, which you can pass on to your customers. They love to hear that.
So in 2013, lets keep it REAL and SIMPLE. In fact that is going to be my manifesto for 2013. What is yours?