So, Ukip is officially more hated than Marmite. Nigel Farage's party is the most-hated brand in the UK, beating McDonalds and Starbucks as well as Marmite, according to a survey of 1,500 people.
Farage should be rather pleased with the honour.
Take a look at the other contenders for most-hated that Ukip pipped to the post.
Marmite, the third 'most-hated' brand on the list, is actually much-loved as well (hence the "Love It or Hate It" marketing slogan). Marmite has made its name (quite literally) from acknowledging - and not caring - that some people don't like it.

A recent Marmite advertising campaign, which parodied animal rescue TV shows, even begged people to hate it.
The film showed rescue officers 'saving' forgotten jars of Marmite from the back of cupboards, finishing with the line "Love it, hate it, just don't forget it", reflecting Marmite's awareness that a healthy dose of hatred is much, much better than being forgotten.
In fact, Marmite's brand chiefs probably wish the yeasty spread was a little more like Ukip - which is annoyingly impossible to forget. Ukip has the most charismatic leader, the most ridiculous gaffes... even its party colours of purple and yellow are the most garish, the most loud.
When The Timesnamed Nigel Farage "Briton of the Year" in 2014, they weren't naming him "the best" Briton. He was, in their view, the man who got noticed: and by taking the controversial step of lauding him, The Times got noticed too, of course.
The Times wrote of its decision: "The established political parties have not been able to ignore Ukip... whatever they may think of its more toxic members."
As Charlie Brooker recently quipped on his BBC Weekly Wipe news show, footage of Farage grinning in the pub with a pint is so often-played you could confuse it with default background film used to fill the gaps in between other TV segments.
And let's consider another "hated" brand on the list: Facebook, which is ranked as the ninth most-hated in the country. Yes: Facebook, that highly unsuccessful, unimportant brand that no-one really cares for. However great people's dislike of Facebook, that certainly doesn't stop it from being successful, and it also more-than-likely doesn't stop those people from using Facebook - in fact it fuels conversation about the social network and probably the number of users too.
As the sixth most-hated brand, Nick Clegg's Lib Dems are the least-hated major political party, but what does that matter when it stands to do miserably in the general election? More people will vote for the hated Conservatives (second most-loathed) and Labour (fifth most-hated).
The point is that being liked isn't always the same as being popular. Some people - such as Katie Hopkins - make a career out of being hated. The most influential figures get the most online abuse, and David Cameron probably won't lose too much sleep that the Tories are almost as hated as Ukip on this list - he's the most powerful man in the country after all.
It's also worth scrutinising which brands the survey revealed as the most-loved. Tesco is on the most-adored list, which rather devalues the public's love, which is apparently not tainted by the supermarket going through a serious crisis and some seriously dodgy accounting problems.
Love and hate are rarely seen in isolation: in order to really, really hate something you have to have some admiration or fear for it. Otherwise, why would it be worth the effort?
Topping the list of the most-hated brands is a perfect honour for Ukip: few people don't care about it, but many love to hate it. Jim Waterson of Buzzfeed recently admitted at a conference that the site gets an "astonishing" amount of its traffic from stories about Ukip.
So if you really, really don't like something - stop your hating: you'll deal a bigger blow by simply not caring at all.