Time to See a Hypnotherapist?

Everyone experiences ups and downs in their lives. Most people deal with these variations in mood on their own or with the assistance of friends or family. There may be times, though, when professional help is warranted to get you through an emotional rough spot.

Everyone experiences ups and downs in their lives. Most people deal with these variations in mood on their own or with the assistance of friends or family. There may be times, though, when professional help is warranted to get you through an emotional rough spot. This post discusses some of those times when you may want to consider seeing a Hypnotherapist.

1. You Have a Problem That Is Interfering with Your Life

Some issues like substance abuse, depression, bipolar disorder, or extreme anxiety can affect the way you function in your day to day life. You may not be able to sleep, deal with your family, or perform properly at work. If a problem like this lasts for more than a week or two, it's time to get some help to resolve it. Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective way of helping to treat the underlying causes of depression, anxiety and addictions.

2. You Have Been Unable to Solve the Problem Yourself

Most of us have developed coping mechanisms to get us through the difficult times. If your usual coping mechanisms aren't helping with this particular problem, consider seeing a Hypnotherapist to learn new ways to deal with your issues. During Hypnotherapy session you should discuss your goals, triggers, current coping mechanisms and alternative positive behaviours and thought patterns that can be adopted instead. Most people, sadly, wait until it gets really bad before seeking help and others come to Hypnotherapy as a last result hoping that it will help and whilst this can be true for a lot of cases, it is important to remember Hypnotherapy is not a magic wand. You will need to work through your issues with the right amount of support and challenge provided by the Hypnotherapist.

3. Your Emotional Problems Are Causing Physical Symptoms

Many times, people with emotional issues will end up at their doctor's office with vague physical complaints: headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia, and muscle aches and pains. If your doctor cannot find a physical cause for these symptoms, you might benefit from a consultation with a Hypnotherapist who can through Hypnosis, NLP and Coaching interventions help you discover the root cause. Together, you should discuss what your goals for Hypnotherapy are. No Hypnotherapist should diagnose and any professional Hypnotherapist worth their salt would seek to work alongside other doctor's and consultants you maybe seeing to ensure that an all round solution is provided for your betterment.

4. Other People Have Expressed Concern About You

Perhaps your co-workers or loved ones have mentioned that you seem to be sad, lethargic, suspicious, or hyperactive. They may have mentioned that you seem to be drinking too much. If the people closest to you are noticing a negative change, it's probably time to seek the input of a professional. If nothing else, it will help put those closest to you at ease.

5. You Don't Enjoy Doing the Things You Used to Love

This is widely recognized as a symptom of depression - however, before hitting Google to self-diagnose and read the stories and headlines, you must visit your GP.

6. You're Using Alcohol or Other Substances to Get Through the Day

Using mind-altering substances to cope will only make your problems worse. If you find you can't make it through the day without your substance of choice, it's definitely time to see a Hypnotherapist who specializes in the treatment of people with a dual diagnosis (a mental health issue and substance abuse). You may also benefit from attending a 12-Step group like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

7. You're Thinking of Hurting or Killing Yourself

If you're having thoughts of suicide, especially if you have a clear plan, get help right away. Don't wait for an appointment. Go to the nearest emergency room and ask for help. The emergency room will have a psychologist or psychiatrist on call who can help you find ways to stay safe.

Some people don't think specifically about suicide, but they do things to hurt themselves like cutting themselves with a knife or burning themselves with matches or cigarettes. This is a painful, difficult way to live, and if you have this problem, it is important to seek help from your GP.

There is no shame in seeking help to deal with a problem. There is, however, tragedy, in losing months or even years or your life to a treatable condition. If you're having personal issues and unable to cope, manage your emotions or feel low then the proper treatment can help you feel better. The time to seek help is right this very minute.
