Punchline Challenge: German Voters Can Download a Merkel App

Punchline Challenge: German Voters Can Download a Merkel App

This week I set the people of Twitter a more topical challenge. Angela Merkel's campaign team have produced an augmented reality app that makes the coalition party appear to be doing more for Germany than it actually is. That's a joke, but the app is real and so, unfortunately, is Mrs. Merkel. With that story as my jumping off point I issued this line:

German voters can now download a Merkel App...

And waited for the punchlines to trickle in. And trickle in they did, like melted cheese through a sieve. I shouldn't have been surprised really for, as @Adam_Leedham pointed out, Angela Merkel is hardly a sexy subject. But ripe for lampooning surely? The surly headmistress of European politics? Slowly but surely they did begin to arrive. First up was @Richardsmind with:

Not all German users will have to pay for the App as it's Hans Free.

Clever use of the name Hans there. @Adam_Leedham, clearly dwelling on the unsexiness of the subject matter, came in next with:

Horrified German smart phone users fear using new Merkel app on posters because of ill advised hashtag #Merkelapdance

A shudder went through me at the image. More was to come from @glowypanda with this:

'Tony Blair, down & out in a Berlin bedsit, tries to make the little red lady appear and dance for him'

More of a disturbing image than a punchline but I liked it so it's in. Glitch gags came from @Sayitwithcookie...

German voters can now download a Merkel App. Technical glitches may occur once a month.

...and @iamchads...

Because of a glitch, users are warned that, 'it only works if you swipe left. If you swipe right, we invade Poland.'

@JesuisKK tweeted:

A new Kegel routine has been launched in a bid to make the female electorate as tight as their Chancellor. German voters can now download a Merkel App.

She went the other way, and made the set-up the punchline. It worked. A couple of off-beat ones came from @Headfirst_Dom:

German voters can now download a Merkel App. To get to the other side.

German voters can now download a Merkel App. And we only want to hear ONE click.

@FemmeDomestique came through as always with a cheeky one:

German voters can now download a Merkel App. It can be used as an alarm clock, but without the snooze option.

@Diversion50 came in late with a similar Hans free gag, but then came back with a corker:

German voters can now download a Merkel App. The short sighted can now have a propaganda.

I haven't thought about having a winning punchline as yet but I have to say that @TheSarcasticOwl's early entry this week was my favourite. I think this sets the bar:

German voters can now download a Merkel App. But makers annoyed to find name "angry bird" is already taken.

Another Punchline Challenge soon.

*Some tweets have been edited to better suit the article. The original tweets can be viewed by clicking the @ name links.


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