And so it turns out that the smouldering embers of 2016 still have power to burn. That even in these dwindling days, there is still time to heap more sadness upon people who are already brow-beaten by the year's events. The death of a beloved musician, a tragedy amplified by the fact that it occurred on Christmas Day - what should be the happiest day of the year - is rendered even more poignant by the subsequent tales of his generosity and humanity. What a legacy to leave.
This, and the other recent celebrity deaths, including, even as I write, that of an adored iconic actress, appear to pile misery upon misery. This year, no doubt, has witnessed the loss of a number of people who touched the lives of many others. They made an impact, be it through music or film or service for others, or just by the sheer force of their personality, and their loss has been felt keenly with fitting posthumous tributes; one hopes that they knew of the esteem within which they were held during their - sometimes short - lifetimes.
But it's not just the deaths, as tragic as they have been. In 2016, our screens have been filled with scenes of human suffering, almost too horrific to fathom. Then there has been the rhetoric, spoken and written, which has underlined deep divisions within society. And politically, wherever you sat, campaigns and debates often got ugly. Indeed, the EU Referendum often felt like a deeply unpleasant experience, setting families and friends on opposing sides, creating rifts and anger.
So no wonder that people are talking about 2016 as the worst year ever. It's no surprise that people are looking over the horizon to 2017, and the potential for a brighter tomorrow. There is a sense that the world will exhale a collective breath of relief as midnight comes around on 1st January.
All understandable; this year has been strange. Odd. Scary. Sad. I suspect in the future, my daughter will be taught about the events of this year in school. But to me it feels wrong to reduce a whole twelve months to just a few words, just a 'terrible' year. Because to summarise 366 days in this way negates all of the good, all of the happy that there has been.
And it has been there. The soul-lifting tales, like that of the Brownlee brothers, embodying what it means to be family. Or the outpouring of love and support, in the form of more than 250,000 Christmas cards, for a little boy with terminal cancer. Or the fundraising for Stand Up To Cancer or Children in Need, people putting their hand in their pocket to help others.
It's been there in our own lives too. In the big things, like getting a gorgeous new nephew to love. And it's been there too in the small things, the everyday things. The reassuring grip of a baby's hand around the finger. A thoughtful text sent on a long day. A compliment about an outfit, the one you weren't sure about but now you're so glad that you wore.
Yes, this year has been replete with sadness, tragedy, hurt and pain. But there has also been love and joy and fun and laughter. We need to look for the light because it's there. And so, as the year draws to a close, take from it the memories that made you smile, the feelings that lifted your soul; those are the things to treasure.