Here's The Truth About Being Single During Winter

Right now social media is buzzing with singletons looking for a cuddle buddy to get them through the cold months, it’s safe to say the thirst is real.
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In the famous words of some Game of Thrones characters: "Winter is coming", and being single right now is not looking so attractive to be honest with you. They say that being single is the best because you can "do whatever you want" and you have this sense of freedom. The problem with that is whenever those cold lonely winter nights creep up on you, there's a particular Akon song which enters your mind and just like every single Drake hit, it has you thinking about your 2 Grade girlfriend and how you did her wrong. Now for some of us, obstacles like: The Friendzone, low-confidence, work and restraining orders, actually stop us from leaving this life behind.

Being single during winter is really a struggle because you find yourself watching Snapchat stories of couples cuddling together and when you look at your life at that exact moment the only thing you could cuddle is your pillow. The bad thing about this is that you have to suffer through the first five minutes because that pillow is colder than the iceberg that sunk the titanic (There was space for Jack on that rescue boat).

During this time social media is buzzing with singletons looking for a cuddle buddy to get them through these cold months so profiles go from "single and loving life" to "I got so many fat rolls that I could open up my own bakery plus I can keep you warm" - it's safe to say that the thirst is real. We try to find things to fill that void of being lonely like watching series, hitting the gym, taking up new hobbies and my personal favourite, stalking what our exes are doing on Instagram while listening to Ed Sheeran's new album and trying to get to the bottom of that ice-cream tub.

Everything is not all doom and gloom now that you don't have someone to cuddle, but to be honest with you, there are a few positives about the situation you find yourself in. If you think about it you could be stuck with someone for 20 years that you don't really like and who has all the money in the world but just won't spend it (#WengerOut) or you could be with someone who doesn't really care about you and just doesn't want to let go (AGAIN #WengerOut).

Being single in the upcoming winter period could be the perfect time to make some changes and reshuffle your own cabinet; you can get your summer body in order, less sun which means you could get lighter than Khanyi Mbau, focus on your dreams and aspirations or make friends with a certain Indian family and get your country.

In all honesty, there is nothing wrong with being single right now, you get that opportunity to spoil yourself a little and learn to love yourself before you can love anyone else. I feel like we are pressured by society to jump into relationships and patterns that we are not really ready for. We need to start focusing on building solid foundations in our own individual lives before inviting someone into the share the journey with us, you don't have to rush anything just trust yourself.

To those who do find themselves in a healthy relationship I wish them nothing but growth and love but if there are any couples out there that can make room for one more, I'm available, they say three is a party.

The Mictionary

  • Akon: Senegalese/American singer/songwriter - "Lonely" was one of his biggest hits and had us all in tears. Some say he's darker even than Wesley Snipes.
  • Drake: Aubrey Graham (Real Name) every album that he makes takes you on an emotional roller-coaster.
  • Titanic: One of the biggest romantic films ever made; but to be honest with you if it was a South African movie everyone would have survived because it would have a sliding door operate like a taxi and Jack would have seen the iceberg and warned the captain.
  • #WengerOut: A campaign to remove the Arsenal Manager who has been building that team before I was even born. He should be our finance minister because he doesn't like to spend money. (These are the lies of the Wenger Out Brigade. - blogs editor.)
  • Khanyi Mbau: South African TV personality and Actor, she's also a bleach ambassador.
  • Mitch Matyana: Channing Tatum's doppelganger

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