break up

I had a chance at a potentially great relationship. But I knew it would be selfish to place my happiness over the lives of others.
From the loss of a family member to a breakup, many of us have experienced some level of trauma. Clinical psychologist Jennifer Sweeton explains how traumatic events affect your mind and brain. Sweeton also highlights that trauma does not mean you are damaged forever and there are ways you can overcome.
Social distancing makes splitting up extra hard. We asked therapists (and the newly single) how to cope with the coronavirus pandemic and a breakup.
It doesn't matter how long it's been since the breakup: Discovering your ex has moved on with a new boyfriend or girlfriend can feel like a punch in the gut.
Not that many people get a second chance at life, but I did after breaking up with my fiancé. And it was so, so worth it.
I'm 19 and recently went through a break-up. I'm learning to be single again after years in a relationship.
Relationship experts reveal the reasons your ex may be reaching out, and how to know whether you should respond or ignore them.
How to get over a breakup, according to relationship experts.
To anyone reading this that is suffering with that dull heartache that comes with being left by a partner and has had to tolerate those five awful words, please know that you aren’t to blame