Cultural Groups

Childcare, bar work, cleaning offices and apartment buildings, sex work, governments simply aren’t doing enough to protect women in unseen and socially undervalued jobs from workplace harassment.
Labour will guarantee new rights for all workers to have flexibility over their own working hours from day one of employment
It is important to understand that the taboo culture surrounding menstruation is deeply rooted in the suppression of women’s sexuality.
Lib Dem Layla Moran hits out at anti-trans lobby, and reveals she has questioned her own sexuality.
This collaboration is a symptom of outspoken women having been sidelined in mainstream politics for too long. But that is not necessarily the same thing as a determination to centre them.
David Matheson says he has "embarked on a new life-giving path".
The move, to "promote inclusion", has caused some fierce debate.
The scandal is symptomatic of society's need to minimise, sanitise and control women's natural functions, usually by men and male-led businesses processes