
How to wear tights to create the look you are going for, from elegant to edgy, while staying warm and comfortable.
The model touched on her and husband Justin Bieber's starkly different styles – and the conversation around them – in an interview with GQ Hype.
The Hollywood star's new brand, Atelier Jolie, also pays tribute to her late mother, Marcheline Bertrand.
Fox pulled yet another eccentric outfit from her closet during a jaunt around London on Tuesday night.
Here's how to make sure your new (old) item will continue to last.
The overdressed girlfriend/underdressed boyfriend joke is more than just a meme. It's a reality in many relationships.
“When I was growing up, I wished there was someone like me in campaigns like this,” says celeb hairstylist, James Johnson, who’s partnered with Ann Summers on a spicy new collection.
She wanted to show off the staggering Atelier Versace gown from the best angle.
The Grammy winner channelled her Barbie movie character in a jaw-dropping red carpet look.
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