Heart Disease

Research links the two issues, but there's something you should know before you panic.
"I can’t articulate what it was like to lose my mother like that, after being diagnosed with the same disease. I just know the fear of meeting that same fate was something I carried since that hot July day."
"My ex-wife used to say my heart kept her awake at night. The pounding, she said, sent reverberations through the mattress."
Severe COVID-19 infections and long COVID both can wreak havoc on your cardiovascular system.
In the weeks leading up to a cardiac event, many people report similar symptoms.
Researchers have found oral hygiene habits have an impact on heart diseases.
Doctors want to clear these up, because some of them are flat-out wrong.
In the weeks leading up to a cardiac event, many people report similar symptoms.
Common misconceptions and outdated information mean keeping your heart healthy can get confusing.