History of slavery

Slavery "was the necessary evil upon which the union was built," Arkansas senator Tom Cotton aid in an interview.
The group of academics wanted to send a message to young, Black people to pursue their dreams.
She will lead a two-year research project on Bristol’s – and the university’s – relationship with the transatlantic slave trade.
The University of Cambridge has launched a two-year study into how it may have gained from the slave trade. Historic institutions like universities have been challenged in recent years to look into their pasts, especially in terms of benefitting from slavery or colonialism. With statues and buildings named after now-controversial figures, both academics and students are challenging institutions to rethink who they honour and what their substantial endowments were built on. From the student riots in South Africa to the tiki-torch protests in Charlottesville, examining the past can inflame modern political and social tensions.
Bristol City Council has submitted the application to its own planning department.
'I won’t be comfortable sharing [my office] with the portrait of Colston.'