michael sheen

Welshman who played Tony Blair in The Queen failed to rule out entering politics on Peston On Sunday.
He plans to fight the rise of the 'hard populist right'.
Time to end 'soggy consensus'
'It's about your generation, not my generation'
Rik was ridiculously charming, funny and generous - and clearly loved by the crew around him. He was also, I was embarrassed but delighted to learn, flirtatious. After the chat and the autograph, one of the crew took our photo together: I put my arm around Rik, he put his hand on my bottom. But it wasn't, I hasten to add, the slightest bit creepy or slimey. It was funny, and brilliant. Clearly, this man wasn't making a play for me - he was just absolutely making my day. It was, in short, pretty much the most perfect meeting-of-a-hero you could wish for.