refugee week

As a refugee, fighting coronavirus feels like I’m repaying the kindness this country has shown me and my family.
In east Africa, I survived torture and lost my parents, sister, husband and children. Even before this pandemic, I knew what it’s like to feel all alone in this world.
Their resilience, persistence, and at the same time gentleness, has been a lesson to us all.
My journey hasn’t been easy. But here in the UK, for the first time in my life, I feel safe, secure, and loved.
Refugees are pushing harder and harder to reach safety in this pandemic – and yet the UK still wants to send people back.
As if the cruel, hostile asylum process isn't enough, not being able to work for three years made me feel ashamed of myself. We deserve to be treated with humanity.
Some have come from war-torn countries, surviving bloodshed and losing their loved ones – where is our compassion, journalist Tasnim Nazeer writes
Everything we’ve learned, the struggles we’ve had, shape us and become a part of us. We’ll pass those forward to our sons and daughters, and our stories will help them grow their own futures, become the people they choose.
Schools rejected me because of my 'refugee' label and teachers said my skills were limited – but I proved myself and am on my way to being the first female Syrian refugee pilot.
During the process, I met people from different backgrounds and experiences. We created a very strong bond as performers, European or not, with refugees status or not