Trades Union Congress

TUC president Matt Wrack said the party must stop being "overly-managerial" if it wants to inspire voters.
The TUC said patients and parents see through government’s “divide and rule tactics”.
Unison is at odds with the National Education Union in a dispute over school support staff.
The BAME unemployment rate “shot up” from 5.8% to 9.5% within the space of a year, the TUC report states.
Education secretary urged to rethink plan to pull cash from skills scheme that helps 250,000 people a year.
Stunt on seafront shows NHS workers pulling a mock-up of a hospital back from falling over the edge.
BME people working in the UK are more than twice as likely to be on agency contracts as white workers.
Frances O'Grady says modern technology is creating a culture where workers have to be "constantly available".