
Turkish troops launched offensive against Kurdish forces two days after Donald Trump suddenly announced he was withdrawing the US from northern Syria.
“Don’t be a fool!,” the US President urged. "I will call you later."
The events in Syria could well influence the power dynamics of the Middle East for years to come.
Former CEO Peter Fankhauser said government ministers from Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece all made personal contact with him.
The president said he hoped "Russia, China or Napoleon Bonaparte" got involved.
Critics say the US has betrayed the Kurds by pulling back in the face of Turkey’s invasion.
Turkey launched a Syrian offensive days after US troops pulled out. Kurds in the UK capital are furious that their people's "sacrifices" have been for nothing.
Warplanes are bombing civilian areas as Turkey says its ground forces have crossed the border.
The president has stood his ground, citing his “great and unmatched wisdom”.
The president, in his own words in 2015, zeroes in on a problem linked to his order to abandon Kurdish allies to a Turkish assault in Syria.