
"Even the comments that verged on unkind became teaching opportunities for both me and the other person."
The skin condition can be a source of shame in the Asian community, but a new generation is fighting the stigma.
A diverse range of new Barbie dolls has been released, including a doll with no hair and a doll with the skin condition vitiligo. Since its debut in 1959, the iconic fashion doll now comes with a range of different body types, hairstyles and skin tones, to “better reflect the world girls see today”. We spoke to two women about what it means to them to see themselves represented.
Photographer Elisabeth Van Aalderen was inspired to create the series when a girl complimented the pale patches on her skin, describing them as a “unique tattoo”.
I've been 'passing' as a white woman since age 30, and now I understand why some white people don't see discrimination
'The only thing I’m suffering from are the closed minds of humans who have one beauty standard locked into their minds.'