The time has now come for Great Britain to develop an ethical, managed and targeted migration system. The country is facing various issues when it comes to mass migration that the current political elite is refusing to address. For example, the Conservatives have failed to live up to their 2010 manifesto pledge that 'too high' immigration will be reduced to levels last seen in the mid-1990s in order to restore Britain's 'sense of national purpose'. The Coalition has failed in its promise to bring annual net immigration down to 100,000. In fact, this year's figure was 243,000 - an increase of 38% on the previous year. This is unsustainable and makes the government's role in planning accurate public finances almost impossible.
Migrants that are accepted to enter Britain should be self-sustaining. Under a Ukip-supported government they would not be able to claim any type of benefit within their first five years here. They would also have to prove before entry that they have private health insurance. We believe that migrants have to pay in before the government pay out.
The people of Britain have become exhausted with the broken promises and lack of aspiration in the approach to migration by successive UK governments. Ukip will support border controls founded on equality and fairness. This can be achieved with various improvements in our current immigration system starting with a number of border staff. Ukip would increase frontline border staff by 2,500 to help catch and deter ever-growing numbers of illegal immigrants.
Great Britain has a famous history of having some of the finest educational establishments in the world and foreign students come to our shores in order to expand their knowledge and be educated in some of the most respected universities. Ukip believe that this is an area needs that to be more tightly regulated to stop the exploitation which we have seen over recent years with student visa holders not attending Universities and working instead. We would have strict one, three and five-year visas for students.
Speaking our native language is an essential ingredient for success for newcomers to Britain. Ukip would change the language requirements from B2 to A2 and all applicants for visas and citizenship would have to speak and write in English up to an A2 standard.
When our own people arrive back to their home country from holiday, business or extended stays they should easily be able to walk straight through customs. We ensure that there is a 'UK Passport holders only' channel at all UK airports for UK passport holders. Every other nationality from around the globe, including EU Passport holders, would then be treated equally and have to enter through the same channel together to get into Britain.
The introduction of Ukip's fair immigration policy does not distinguish between nationality, creed, colour or belief. The current system discriminates against people from countries with whom we have historic relationships - such as The Commonwealth. To extend opportunities to people seeking to settle in Britain form these countries, Ukip will introduce a 'managed points-based scheme' where everyone from around the world can apply on equal terms, if they have the skills that the UK needs to make it a world class community and a pleasant place to live.
In short, Ukip's policy on migration, is not just a rebuttal of the nonsensical unregulated, 'free movement of people' of EU treaties, but is another step in our Party helping to make our country a more outward looking, global trading Britain!