George Osborne has used emotional blackmail to keep a tax on tampons.
300,000 signed a petition calling for the tampon tax to be abolished, but rather than agree to campaign ruthlessly to make this happen, Osborne has forced the electorate to feel good about it.
The £15 million raised from tampon VAT will go to women's charities, Osborne said.
"The first £5m will be distributed between the Eve Appeal, SafeLives and Women's Aid and The Haven - and I invite bids from other such good causes."
Here lies the trap.
You can't argue against it. You can't say, "no, don't give to charity", because then you'll be lambasted as evil and selfish.
Of course giving to charities is good. But here's the thing. Osborne should have been supporting women's charities in the first place.
This is not extra money being collected - the Government already had the £15 million - it's just a redirection of spending.
More importantly, it's a distraction from the fact that the Government has neglected women for the last five years: Britain is 26th on the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Index.
As Holly Baxter sarcastically wrote, 'Women who have been raped can now pay for their own counselling through the tampon tax. Bravo, Osborne.'
Osborne should be working against those that inflict domestic violence and rape instead of giving pocket change to a select group of charities to pick up the pieces. He should be campaigning in Europe for tampons to be seen as a necessity, not a luxury, and raising the equality and fairness of Britain's society.
Has he, in fact, solved anything?
Women still have to pay unfair tax, women still get abused and assaulted, and women still get underfunded support and treatment.
Don't let the emotional blackmail trick you. Giving to charity should be an 'as well as', not an 'instead of'.
Respond to Tom on Twitter @tomchurch