Neptune and What It's Doing to You

Neptune and What It's Doing to You

Since Neptune made its move into Pisces on 4 February 2012, forceful shifts have substantially altered the energy field. This means that, at times you may have felt slightly insane. Rest assured, you are not insane - although the likelihood is you may have reacted in an insane fashion at times. And Neptune was certainly pushing you along. Neptune is associated with the inspiring and the mystical, but it also rules illusion and addiction. At its core Neptune is all about the Spiritual world and all that comes with it. So as the influence of this shift takes effect, some profound and subtle parts of each individual will, inevitably, more towards a deeper connection with spirit.

As if that wasn't enough for one planet to handle, it also has an especially strong effect on those who have a controlling nature linked to illusion or addiction. You know the type - they dislike change, need everything organised exactly how they want. These types live between idealism and hypocrisy, spending most of their time in judgement. Not a nice place to be. They constantly demand life should match their view. Now their set of rules is falling apart. Their mindset is an illusion which is now breaking. These individuals' reaction is often linked to addiction. Losing themselves in drugs, alcohol, and even sexual encounters, it's all about distraction. And those who are in various types of relationships with these control types (friendship, romantic, or family) have to deal with the backlash of this illusionary breakdown. Often on the receiving end of verbal attacks, and mood swings. It is useful for these individuals, and equally to the observers, to know that when the eruptions occur it is actually a mental deconstruction along the lines of:

"Everything I have ever believed to be true about the world and how it works is a lie. What does that mean?"

Yes, I will concede that is a pretty big thing to deal with. There question of 'What is important?' is increasingly becoming a theme for every soul. The answers which come from this question will have a direct impact on who is important to us, and then ultimately who we allow around us. This shapes our entire world. This has been occurring in all manner of ways, some flowing gently, others high pressured and volcanic. This theme of "value" will position itself as THE important lesson to learn. The key here is to focus only on what you value, no more fighting 'issues' to make a point. Seemingly minor issues have the tendency to explode into WW3 at the moment, so be careful. Make the scenarios very simple by thinking to yourself:

What do I value?

What do I value in myself?

What do I value in others; friends, family and a lover?

What do I want to see come into my life?

What value as a soul do I contribute to the world?

You don't need to obsess about these. As soon as you pose the question to yourself, the process will start to shift your energy into more positive directions, automatically setting up interactions closer to what you really want.

Neptune also plays a vital role on the dreamscape. During this period dreams will be long and in depth. They will be full of rich spiritual insight, some enticing deeper investigation.

I had a dream last night where I was shown what it will be like in the next evolution of humanity. It showed us embracing our true nature as a spiritual species - and let me tell you it was amazing. I was shown what it FELT like to be connected to people in a new way; it felt like an overwhelming feeling of belonging and rightness.

Metaphysicians describe the 3D (third dimension) as a singular experience, meaning we experience singularly. We feel alone, and we are concerned about fending for ourselves, because we believe we can only survive by getting 'ours', whatever 'ours' may be at the time. The 4D is what is called the 'Astral realm' which is made up of dreams and illusions. Many people practice 'Astral projection', which is the separation of the body from the Spirit, giving the ability to send the consciousness to any destination.

We are currently moving through 4D consciousness, those who are stuck there are lost in beliefs and ideas which are not aligned with a higher purpose. And then there are those who have seen the illusion crack. Changes of lifestyle begin, unproductive relationships end. This occurs and feelings of disillusionment shift towards drive and purpose.

Metaphysicians say the Earth will move into 5D (fifth dimension) throughout the course of 2012, and complete its journey around January 2013 - this explains the big hoo-hah about the end of the world. It is indeed the end of the world - the old world, and the beginning of a new one. In a 5D reality the major difference is the sense of oneness, of deep connection. Where no one feels separate from one another, 'I' becomes 'We' - automatically. Consider the issues many in the world are facing at present, how they would immediately shift if fear disappeared and each soul felt connected as if they were one.

Back to my dream, I was shown that many souls opted to retain their singular perspective, still resisting themselves and others. Focusing on drama and karma, yet at various points they experienced being connected through the heart. In the dream whenever this happened I felt the overwhelming waves of love and contentment which that soul experienced. When one came into connection, they felt an amazing emotion and then everyone felt it; every soul felt the benefit of the elation of another soul reconnecting.

For those of you who are yet to experience long such powerful feelings of connection - you will love it! The feeling it gave me was more than any thrill you could get on Earth. The elation was indescribable, it was a sense of being full, being content yet ecstatic, and it was a sense of perfect harmony and placement. The feeling you were finally in the right place.

If you are wondering how to start living through your heart, the simplest way is to catch yourself in a situation where you would typically judge another, or yourself. When you are feeling good about yourself you have no need to judge others. Judgement only ever comes from a place of fear and lack. If you can look for something small to appreciate in others, your capacity to love yourself will grow. As this unfolds your appreciation of others will expand and soon enough it will be easy for you to find things you love in others. Your brain will be set to automatically observe traits and habits you admire.

There is a great deal of healing of this nature taking place prior to global reconnection. Consider what it would be like if we were all connected right now. There are so many souls who are firmly rooted in hate and judgement. If a reconnection happened now it would mean sharing in these where are simply a fear mentality let loose. We are more alike than we are dissimilar, we all love, we all cry, we all laugh (albeit at different things).

The intriguing thing about this concept is that energy is contagious, if you are angry or fearful, those around you catch it like a hideous cold. But if you are embracing love and feeling amazing, that also gets swept up by those around you. If we put ourselves into a loving state of being for the majority of the time we don't have to try to control or adjust anybody. It will have a roll on effect as even though many are not consciously linked now, we are all still connected by invisible fine psychic threads, extending throughout the world.

It is a time of profound contrast, and this will continue. Neptune in its new position guarantees that, and a great deal more. Deep shifts must occur in the hearts of many for a reconnection to take place. But that is not our concern. Our concern individually is only to become more loving and open, to others and ultimately to ourselves. Lose the criticism of the fashion forward girl walking down the street wearing that outfit you could never imagine yourself wearing, instead look and see how you really admire how she holds her head high as she struts down the road.
