I had not planned on writing a blog this month as I have been slightly exhausted from all the writing I have been doing.

I had not planned on writing a blog this month as I have been slightly exhausted from all the writing I have been doing. Not to mention the fact I have been placed in what the Spirit calls hibernation, but I would more accurately call isolation. The Spirit says you have to clear away the distractions to see what is really going on.

As I was showering this morning the following line kept popping into my head:

The sum of a man

Obviously this refers to all of human kind, not just men. But saying 'The sum of humankind' didn't seem to have the same ring to it. As the words kept swirling around in my head I asked the Spirit if they wanted me write about this today. You know - just to be sure, and it was an emphatic yes.

As we approach the full moon on 8 March there is the same build up of energy that one might sense around full moon, yet this build up feels slightly different. It's almost as if it has a big mysterious box under its arm waiting to be delivered.

The impression I receive from the Spirit is that the last two months or so have been a period of intense observation, with practical examination. What does that mean? Well, for those who were listening and present in the exercise, they would have learnt a great deal about themselves. They would have also had the opportunity to show 'grace under fire', is the term I am being given.

It is not what some might call an easy road, but it is a road full of vast contrasting experience, which we all signed up for. People exploding at you, people acting completely contrary to their nature, directing fire at you, all of that was quite normal. How you reacted was the lesson. Compassion, love and understanding were right up there as qualities to learn and embody.

Having your life and its contents played on some sort of screen in your mind's eye is not unusual at this time. Instead of the cliché stories of waiting until death to see your life flash before your eyes, this is a little more immediate. Spirit wants everyone to understand and be accountable right now.

While I was working on some other writing pertaining to the law of karma and accountability, the Spirit shared with me that every soul will now receive everything they have sent out - over all lifetimes. This is where the words 'the sum of a man' really starts to get interesting.

Since this finite human life is only the sum of our experience this lifetime, but our soul is the sum of all the experience we have accumulated over countless lifetimes. Our reality is now going to reflect the sum of us, the sum of our true nature.

That is why there have been some intense interactions going on over the past few months, you were given opportunities to walk a different path of experience, so that you could accumulate more data, and potentially clear karma before this time of immediate payback begun.

It feels as though this will begin around the full moon, and depending on you and your own personal path it will happen anytime from then until 2013.

The recommendation from Spirit is to view all of these past experiences which come to mind; if you are not pleased with your action do something about it before the full moon. There is always time to heal and evolve; it does not stop at the full moon. You would simply be picking a more comfortable vehicle to take on the ride.

So the question to you is, 'What is the sum of your soul?'

Are you proud of:

What you have done?

How you have acted?

How you think?

How you love?

If the answer is no to any of these you have a great opportunity presenting itself to you right now, a chance to change.
