It's vital that you ensure that advice is coming from experts.
Even animals can't escape the confines of privilege.
The consequences of dehydration may be much more dire than slightly less-than-ideal-looking skin, particularly in the long term.
“I’m hoping to hear from her regarding why she did it and why she wanted to risk our relationship by lying for this long."


Reports in the tabloid press have claimed that Giovanni has left the show after 10 series following a recent wave of "scrutiny".
"Finally deactivated Twitter and my god do I feel good about it."


The Russian president said: "I am convinced that this view is shared by most people on the planet."
The chair of the Defence Select Committee did realise though, and deleted the photo from social media.


The prime minister is running out of time to close the gap on Labour.
The chancellor somehow failed to mention the part he's played in increasing the tax burden to an 80-year high.
Between 1988 and 2003, the "promotion" of homosexuality was banned in English and Welsh classrooms.
The government's record seems to have slipped the chancellor's mind.
The former home secretary was left scrambling for two and a half very painful minutes.
Of all the former president's claims, this one may have held up the least.
The former prime minister poked fun at her successors at a Westminster lunch.

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