Money & Work

“I’m hoping to hear from her regarding why she did it and why she wanted to risk our relationship by lying for this long."
Discounts, low-stock messages, countdown clocks and other tricks that get you to spend money without thinking.
Are you part of the "sandwich squeeze" cohort at your job? Here's what to do.
When you are over 50, the odds are stacked against you to land a job.
A viral TikTok suggests that people with this characteristic are at a disadvantage when it comes to getting ahead. Here's why and when it really becomes a problem.
Finance experts reveal the advice that they personally make sure to follow in their own lives.
“Gifts don't come with strings attached. Methods of control come with strings attached."
"He said that I'm home all day... so I'm basically a stay-at-home mother and should at least take care of dinner."
This kind of job is often stigmatised, but it can actually be one of the most influential roles of your whole career.