
Abbie Maguire

Reporter at the Enquirer, blogger at YourThurrock and published poet

From a very young age, I was always drawn to the art of writing, be it poetry, journalism or writing narratives, and sought to be inspired by classic literature. In August 2010, I got my first taste of journalism at the Essex Enquirer where I worked as journalist for two weeks. Addicted to the high-pressure atmosphere where I was constantly writing, I decided two weeks was quite simply not enough and continued to add to my collection of articles that now stands at over eighty, including two front page articles and two double page spreads. Whilst out on assignment for the Enquirer, I met the editor of YourThurrock, Michael Casey, and I began blogging, reporting, reviewing and interviewing for him in February 2011 ( - Abbie's blog) I also did a brief spell at Newbooks Magazine reviewing books and am a published poet appearing in four anthologies, including Poet of the Year 2011.

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