
Roll up folks, it's your last chance to get a tan.
It’s the only exoplanet known so far to have both water and temperatures needed for life.
It’s the only exoplanet known so far to have both water and temperatures needed for life.
The August bank holiday weekend record is 31.5C.
Plus, advice on how to get a good night's rest when it's warm.
Soaring temperatures in London meant thousands of people headed to the river to cool down.
Record-breaking temperatures are due to be unleashed across the country, with Thursday set to be the hottest of the year so far.
Sales of BBQ food have soared but forecasters predicting a “massive drop in temperature”
Animals at various zoos enjoyed icy delights and sorbets to keep cool as a heatwave gripped large swathes of Europe. Zookeepers also sprayed down some of the larger animals and birds in enclosures with cold water. They were also given ice blocks with a mixture of frozen fruit to splash around in the pools and beat the heat.
A heatwave is about to hit mainland Europe, with temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius expected in late June / early July. Hot winds blowing from the Sahara desert are said to be the cause. The high temperatures are expected to last into next week.