Feeling Unsexy? Treat Yourself To A Maternity Lingerie Hottie

Feeling Unsexy? Treat Yourself To A Maternity Lingerie Hottie

Sex life in the doldrums? Feeling too tired and too unsexy in your maternity pants and boulder-holder to get some loving going on? Well, you might not be able to do much about the tiredness, but here's one way to feel a bit more like the red hot sex goddess that you were the night you got preggers.

Hotmilk is the Agent Provocateur of maternity lingerie, and although it took me a few moments to work out whether the name was a bit blah or not, I've decided that I love it.

I don't especially want to feel hot to trot while I'm breastfeeding, though the range includes some very pretty breastfeeding bras (or "drop-hatch" bras, as my mum calls them). But neither do I want to feel like I've given up on feeling feminine and sexy while I'm pregnant. After all, I'm nearly in the second trimester (fingers crossed), and apparently that's the phase in which I won't be able to prepare a meal without wanting to recreate the fridge scene from 9 1/2 Weeks.

Hotmilk's collections have fab Mills & Boonish names. I love "Her Desire Was Dangerous", a nursing bra (I know!), and She Blushes In Delight (pictured), which is suitable to be worn throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is reinforced for added support, with wider straps and "A-frame support", though I thought that was something tents had to stop them blowing away in a gale.

Take a look for yourself here and see what you think. Prices are in the £30-plus zone. Find online stockists here

Have you found maternity lingerie that makes you feel gorgeous? Leave your tips here.
