The Totally Honest Guide To Baby Names: Shakespearean Names

The Totally Honest Guide To Baby Names: Shakespearean Names

I went to see Waiting For Godot last night, at the Haymarket Theatre, starring acting greats Sir Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart, Simon Callow and Ronald Pickup (who he?). Just before the interval I leaned over to my boyfriend and whispered "Next time can we go see We Will Rock You" into his ear. Boy was it heavy!

If you're feeling restless, a bit miserable or hungry, don't go to see it. It's long, dark and the ice creams cost £3 for a tiny pot. But if you want to be stimulated intellectually – perhaps you've spent too much time socialising with under-fives or reading baby books – it's the night out for you.

The play might have pushed my currently short attention span to its limits (it's about nothing, nothing happens in the first half, nothing happens in the second half, but somehow it's about everything too), but to its credit it has inspired my choice of subject for this week's Totally Honest Guide To Baby Names.

McKellan and Stewart are acclaimed Shakespearean actors, plus I'm feeling a tad cleverer than normal after a night of high art, and so this week's list is names from Shakespeare's plays. There are some real gems here that might even make it on to my own list.

For Boys

Aaron -Titus Andronicus

Amiens - As You Like It

Angus -Macbeth

Ariel -The Tempest

Balthazar - Romeo and Juliet

Caliban - The Tempest

Christopher -Taming of the Shrew

Curan - King Lear

Curio - Twelfth Night

Dion - The Winter's Tale

Dogberry - Much Ado About Nothing

Donalbain - Macbeth

Edgar - King Lear

Fabian - Twelfth Night

Fenton - Merry Wives of Windsor

Flavius - Timon of Athens

Florizel - Winter's Tale

Gonzalo - The Tempest

Hamlet - Hamlet

Hero - Much Ado About Nothing

Horatio - Hamlet

Iago - Othello

Jaques - As You Like It

Laertes - Hamlet

Lennox - Macbeth

Lucio - Measure for Measure

Mamillius - Winter's Tale

Marcellus - Hamlet

Nathaniel - Taming of the Shrew

Oberon - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Orlando - As You Like It

Paris - Romeo & Juliet

Prospero - The Tempest

Romeo - Romeo & Juliet

Snug - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Speed - Two Gentlemen of Verona

Timon - Timon of Athens

Toby -Twelfth Night

Tybalt - Romeo & Juliet

Valentine - TwelfthNight

Vincentio - Measure for Measure

For girls:

Adriana - Comedy of Errors

Audrey - As You Like It

Beatrice - Much Ado About Nothing

Bianca - Othello, Taming of the Shrew

Celia - As You Like It

Constance - King John

Desdemona - Othello

Dorcas - Winter's Tale

Emilia - Othello, Winter's Tale

Francisca - Measure for Measure

Gertrude - Hamlet

Hermia - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Hermione - Winter's Tale

Imogen - Cymbeline

Iris - The Tempest

Julia - Two Gentlemen of Verona

Juliet - Romeo & Juliet

Katharina - Taming of the Shrew

Lavinia - Titus Andronicus

Lucetta - Two Gentlemen of Verona

Miranda - The Tempest

Nerissa - Merchant of Venice

Ophelia - Hamlet

Perdita - Winter's Tale

Phoebe - As You Like It

Portia - Merchant of Venice

Regan - King Lear

Rosalind - As You Like It

Silvia - Two Gentlemen of Verona

Titania - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Ursula - Much Ado About Nothing

Valentine - Twelfth Night

Viola - Twelfth Night
